android menu bar missing

android menu bar missing
eclipse plugin - Failed to instantiate missing MENU button « rokoder.
android - Display action bar menu button - Stack Overflow.
android tablet menu missing - Skype Community.
Missing address bar - Android Forums.
The problems should have gone away. One final thing is, once you. up vote 0 down vote. It appears to me the
Why sometimes does my lower menu (ADWLauncher - Dockbar).
For most devices the menu button is a physical button on your phone. It is not part of. For some Android 4.2 phones, the menu button will be in the action bar:.
. but instead an Action Bar. To note, I'm not using an actual Android menu. .. Action Bar - Menu Button - Missing · 1 · How to show an options.
WhatsApp FAQ - Where is the menu button?
ADW - lost mini launcher bar at bottom of home screen.
android menu bar missing
android - Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse - Stack Overflow.Ok, I have no flippin idea how I did this - but the small bar at the. DroidForums. net - Android Forum .. android bottom toolbar disappeared.
I added the SherlockActionBar to my project, added a few menu items and it. Code is rather straightforward, but perhaps i'm missing something. .. to the navigation bar based on which API levels you declare to support in the.
Status bar/notification bar on my new x10 has disappeared, i don't. set it back to normal, press the buttons in this order 'Home-Menu-Home'.